At UMCG, we strive to make God a reality, a presence, and a power in your life and to help you develop and nurture your relationship with God through a variety of opportunities. We invite, encourage, and welcome you to participate regardless of where you are on your faith journey.

HOW TO JOIN IN…. Sign-up or learn more about classes by calling the church office at 630-232-7120, or by email to – or just show up and we will welcome you!


Study, Prayer and Fellowship Groups

Adult Sunday School

Adult Sunday School meets each Sunday at 10:30am following the 9:00am Worship Service in the Parlor.

In Signs and Wonders: A Beginner’s Guide to the Miracles of Jesus, “Amy-Jill Levine explores selected miracles of Jesus in historical and theological context. For each miracle, she discusses not only how past witnesses would have understood the events, but also how today’s readers can draw meaning from Jesus’s words and actions.”-Publisher

Starting September 8, Adult Sunday School will begin a 6-week study: “Signs and Wonders” by A. J. Levine. While there will be a weekly video, if you wish, the book is available through Amazon, Abe Books, etc. Contact Jim McConnell for further information.

Join us for Adult Sunday School class at 10:30am in the Parlor. Invite someone to attend with you!

Beginning October 27, Adult Sunday School will be discussing the sermons on friendship by Pastor Rob. We will use the starter questions in Bulletin to begin the conversation — come join us and share your thoughts about friendship illustrated in the Bible!

Tuesday Prayer Meeting:

Tuesday Prayer Partners gather in the Parlor and via Zoom on Tuesdays at 1:00 pm. Reach out to Pastor Rob Hamilton for the Zoom link. We pray for 30 minutes and we welcome YOU!

Spirited Women

Spirited Women

Beginning September 11, Spirited Women will return to meeting at church Wednesday mornings at 9:15am in the Parlor.

We will be studying the book, “Fierce Love,” by Dr. Jacqui Lewis. Please come and join us! Contact Jenean Larsen to be added to the group distribution list.

Men’s Early Bird Fellowship


Early Bird Men’s Fellowship is studying Bad Girls of the Bible” by Barbara J. Essex. The book is available through Amazon, Abe Books(used), and others.

Beginning Thursday, October 24, we will start a new book study, “The Sin of Certainty: Why God Desires Our Trust More Than Our “Correct” Beliefs,” by Peter Enns. The book is available through Amazon, Abe Books (used), and others.

MEBF meets each Thursday at 7:00 a.m. at the Colonial Café in St. Charles at Tyler and East Main Street (Rt. 64). After discussion, breakfast is ordered and they finish about 8:30. For further information please contact Jim McConnell or David Hood. Join them for fellowship, discussion, and food.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The prayer shawl team welcomes new knitters and crocheters to join us — we are willing to teach folks this skill as well! We make shawls and squares to bless people and offer support and encouragement for mission work, as well as to help folks get through difficult times. Join us on the third Thursdays of each month in the Parlor. Contact the office at for more information, or to obtain a shawl for someone in need.

Centering Prayer

In this form of prayer, one sits still, quietly alone or in a circle with others for a set number of minutes. It’s a time to listen for a Word from God, so different from other prayer times at UMCG in which we pray out loud. Join us on Thursdays at 1:30pm. Come and bring friends! Contact Pastor Rob Hamilton for more information.