You’re Invited to the 68th Memorial Pancake Breakfast at United Methodist Church of Geneva!

We will be serving pancakes, sausage, coffee, orange juice and milk.
Come feast with your friends and neighbors!
It will take place in the parking lot of United Methodist Church of Geneva and we will be serving breakfast from 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM on May 27.
Check out our Plant Sale after you have breakfast!
Click here to Volunteer at the Breakfast
Click Here to Buy Tickets
Proceeds from our Memorial Day Pancake Breakfast are donated to charities!
Past recipients of Pancake Breakfast proceeds include:
UMC of Geneva Missions
Pastor’s Fund for Needy
UMCG Youth Ministry
Tri-City Area Missions
Aurora Neighbor Project
Fox Valley Food for Health
Fox Valley Hospice
Hesed House
Lazarus House
Living Well Cancer Resource Center
Northern Illinois Food Bank
Salvation Army
Suicide Prevention
TriCity Family Services
State-Wide Missions
Rosecrance House
South Shore UMC
Nation-Wide Missions
Appalachian Service Project
Habitat for Humanity
International Missions
Cambodia Ministry
Feed My Starving Children
Kid’s Alive Dominican Republic
Kid’s Alive Haiti
Enjoy these photos from past Pancake Breakfasts!