Building the Future Together: Investing in Ministry Today

Discipleship: Deepening Our Roots

At UMCG, we believe that discipleship is a lifelong journey—one that begins in childhood and continues through every stage of life. From our children’s Sunday school to adult small groups, we strive to provide opportunities for everyone to deepen their faith and grow in their relationship with God. Discipleship is about planting seeds of faith, nurturing them, and watching them flourish.

In the video below, you’ll hear from members of our congregation about how discipleship has transformed their life starting at a young age. Whether it’s the spiritual growth seen in a small group or the joy on a child’s face during Vacation Bible School, our discipleship ministries are making a lasting impact.

Children & Sunday School from United Methodist Church-Geneva on Vimeo.

Growing Together in Faith

Our discipleship programs—Sunday school for children and youth, Vacation Bible School, Confirmation, and adult small groups—play a crucial role in deepening our roots in faith. These programs require dedicated resources, from curriculum materials to training for leaders. As our church family continues to grow, so does the need to invest in the tools and support that allow these ministries to thrive.

Your contributions to the discipleship portfolio help us provide these vital opportunities for growth. Every child who attends Sunday school, every teenager who completes Confirmation, and every adult who participates in a small group is strengthened in their walk with Christ because of the support we give.

Almost 29cents of every dollar you give to UMCG funds discipleship!

Your Opportunity to Invest

We are excited to share that any new or increased estimate of giving for 2025 will be matched up to $5,000. This means that if you increase your regular giving by $25 per month, it will be doubled to $50 per month. Your increased generosity helps ensure that future generations continue to be rooted in faith.

We invite you to prayerfully consider submitting an estimate of giving. You can fill out a card in the pews and drop it in the offering plate or place it in the secure box in the church office. Preferably, you can use our online giving form, which is available here.

Nurturing Faith for Future Generations

By investing in discipleship, you are helping to nurture faith in both the present and future generations. The seeds you plant today through your giving will grow into a strong foundation for tomorrow.

Thank you for your faithfulness and for helping us deepen our roots in Christ, one class, one small group, and one child at a time.