
If you’re a Taylor Swift fan, you know her career is filled with distinct eras—each one a reflection of her growth, creativity, and impact on the world. This year at UMCG we’re diving into the greatest “era” of all time: Jesus’ life. Each sermon series in 2025 serves as a new chapter, a unique era in Jesus’ journey, inviting us to see how His life and teachings continue to inspire and transform. Our year with Jesus began in December with our Advent series, where we stepped into Jesus’ story with “The Light of Hope, Peace, Love, and Joy: Preparing Our Hearts for Jesus.” Think ofRead More →


Each year, on December 28 (tomorrow), the Christian calendar observes the Feast of the Holy Innocents, commemorating the tragic events following Christ’s birth. The Gospel of Matthew recounts how King Herod, in a desperate attempt to eliminate the newborn “King of the Jews,” ordered the massacre of all male children in Bethlehem under the age of two (Matthew 2:16). This brutal act led to unimaginable grief among Jewish families and forced Mary, Joseph, and the infant Jesus to flee to Egypt, becoming refugees. The story of the Holy Innocents is hauntingly relevant today as we confront the ongoing slaughter of innocents through violence, war, andRead More →


Earlier this month, our family received a lovely box of Christmas cookies, each one a tiny masterpiece of sugar and frosting. Among them was a sugar cookie shaped like the contiguous 48 states, its blue, red, and white frosting swirled to resemble the American flag. Star-shaped sprinkles completed the patriotic design. It was a magnificent cookie, a work of culinary art, and my daughter Lily can attest that it was lemony and delicious. As a centerpiece for a Fourth of July celebration, this cookie would have been perfect. But nestled among Christmas trees, snowflakes, and gingerbread men, its presence felt a little out of place.Read More →


As we journey through this season of hope, it is a privilege to reflect on the many ways our congregation embodies God’s grace. One such expression of our faith in action is the Pastors’ Discretionary Fund, a ministry of care and compassion quietly making a difference in countless lives. This fund exists to meet material and financial needs within our community, offering a hand up in times of unexpected hardship. Guided by our church’s mission and policies, the fund’s resources are carefully stewarded to ensure the greatest impact. Donations come from individual gifts and contributions from our Men’s Club and Women’s Ministry. These acts ofRead More →


Advent is a season of anticipation—a time to prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ. It’s a time of hope, peace, joy, and love, yet these can feel elusive in a world that often feels like it’s been turned upside down. Enter Bizarro Superman, a character from the comic book universe who embodies inversion. Everything Superman stands for—truth, justice, and the protection of humanity—Bizarro twists into its opposite. He creates chaos where there should be order, confusion where there should be clarity. In the Bizarro world, love doesn’t conquer fear; fear conquers love. It’s a distortion of the powerful promise in 1 John 4:18:Read More →


As the last echoes of Thanksgiving fade—along with the leftovers in our refrigerators—our hearts turn toward a new season. While Thanksgiving is a day of giving thanks, Advent is a season of preparing our hearts for the greatest gift: Jesus Christ. As we step into Advent this year, we carry forward the gratitude of Thanksgiving and open ourselves to the promise of The Light of Hope, Peace, Love, and Joy. In a world that often feels divided and anxious, our journey through Advent offers more than a flicker of light. It provides a brilliant beacon. This light is not fragile or fleeting; it is theRead More →


At UMCG, we believe in planning for the future while honoring the past. The Trustees, led by our chair, Ron Donovan, have developed a 40-year asset management plan to ensure the long-term health and vitality of our church. This proactive approach helps us move away from a “fix it when it breaks” mentality and embrace a thoughtful, forward-looking strategy. What Is an Asset Management Plan? An asset management plan is like a roadmap for caring for our facilities and properties. It helps us: The annual version of this plan, which Ron calls the “Book of Work,” provides a clear and easy-to-use system for managing projectsRead More →


As we look to the future of our ministry at UMCG, I’m excited to announce a bold new role: the Minister of Formation and Outreach. This full-time ordained position will focus on intentional outreach, lifelong faith formation, and additional pastoral support—all essential in helping UMCG grow and deepen its impact in our community. This role reflects the growth we’ve experienced since 2021 and our church’s commitment to building an engaged, intergenerational faith community. Our SPRC and Church Council have been praying and supporting the formation of this position. Building on a Legacy of Intentional Outreach Interestingly, this vision of reaching out intentionally and welcoming peopleRead More →


Months ago, long before the election tightened and pundits forecasted nail-biting outcomes, a few of us pastors planned to serve. We knew that whatever the results, this election would stir up difficult emotions and worries. To help us stay grounded in our mission as a church, we decided to roll up our sleeves together at the Northern Illinois Food Bank. The election outcome, personally, left me unsettled—and I know I’m not alone. Many in our church community feel anxious, angry, even fearful. Like many of you, I carried a full range of emotions the day after the election. With all that care, prayer, and processingRead More →


Worship: At the Heart of UMCG At the United Methodist Church of Geneva, worship is where we come together to encounter God. It is in worship that we sing, pray, read scripture, and hear the Word proclaimed. We feast at Christ’s table, wade in the waters of baptism, and cling to each other during services of death and resurrection. We celebrate the sacred covenant of marriage, and in each of these moments, God meets us, holding us in divine grace and love. In the video below, you’ll hear about how worship has been central to our spiritual life. These moments are sacred, not only becauseRead More →