We illuminate our community with God’s grace as we lovingly accept, listen to, and serve all in the Spirit of Jesus.
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Creation Care
As United Methodists we are called to be stewards of our earth.
The Creation Care Team at UMC of Geneva was formed in 2015 by a group of concerned members who regularly volunteered for the Third Tuesday Suppers. With the support of the TTS Team we focused on reducing the amount of single use plastic and Styrofoam used while serving the monthly dinners. The purchase of reusable drinking cups led to the collection of the used (clean) takeout Styrofoam containers returned by guests each month. This then led to the whole church Styrofoam collection that still is being implemented today.
In January 2021, the Creation Care Team officially became a recognized committee at UMCG with a seat at Church Council. We have an active committee with a variety of interests and strengths, with one common calling: to be good stewards of the Earth.
In June of 2021 Church Council passed the Environmental Policy proposed by the committee. We are continually working to become a more sustainable congregation.
Watch Pastor Rob’s video about what we have been doing at UMCG and read more about it further down this page.
Installation of Geothermal Heating and Cooling System
Our heating and cooling systems needed to be replaced. We decided to the best decision for the environment and our church was to install a geothermal system. In July 2022 geothermal contractors started drilling multiple wells 500 feet deep on the West side of the building to hold the “loop” for the geothermal systems. In Spring 2023 heat pumps were installed in the building to connect to the loop. The church is no longer using natural gas to heat our spaces. We expect to save money on our energy bills and we are doing our part to combat climate change!
Earth Day Celebration
In April 2024 the Creation Care Team Celebrated Earth Day Sunday with a Creation Care themed worship service and an Earth Day Expo.
In April 2023 the Creation Care Team Celebrated Earth Day Sunday with a Creation Care themed worship service and an Earth Day Expo.
Waste Free Coffee Hour Began in 2021 (Outside!)
We compost our coffee grounds and purchased unbreakable dishes to help with the initiative.
We Participate in the Fox River Cleanup
We Support Gardens at Hesed House
In 2022 the team worked with Hesed House to plan, build and plant raised gardens for food and flowers that the residents will maintain.
Rummage Sales
The rummage sale itself diverts waste from landfills. We have taken extra efforts to keep unsold and unsellable items from landfills by recycling, finding places to reuse items including Animal shelters, SCARCE, Habitat for Humanity, utilizing the Kane County Recycling centers and more.
Recycling of items that can’t go in curbside recycling
It all started in 2015 when the Creation Care Team started collecting polystyrene that was used during our Third Tuesday Suppers. We now take recycling in our “Donation Station” for polystrene food containers, packaging foam, corks, crayons and bread tags.