Weekly Blog

  • We’re Out of Cubbies

    Something is happening at UMCG. It’s sneaky, but it’s real. We’re growing. Not in the way many of us might instinctively measure growth—not by packed pews or standing-room-only worship services—but in the way that reflects how church engagement has changed over time. For those who have been around church for generations, regular church attendance meant…

  • Presence: When It Hurts To Be Human

    Presence: When It Hurts To Be Human

    Editorial Note: Pastor Heather Connor is our new Minister of Formation and Outreach and will be joining us in Geneva in June. Click here to see our welcome email from December 2024. *Words in italics are adapted from a prayer by Rev. Sarah (Are) Speed / A Sanctified Art LLC, santifiedart.org Grief has a way…

  • I Wish I Could Do Something: The Paradox of Powerlessness

    I Wish I Could Do Something: The Paradox of Powerlessness

    Lately, I’ve been thinking about that moment a lot. I’ve been hearing the phrase “I wish I could do something” over and over again. Many are feeling powerless in the face of the political climate, the disinformation campaigns, and the sheer force of selfishly wielded power. That feeling of being overwhelmed is, in many ways,…

  • How John Wesley Practiced Lent

    How John Wesley Practiced Lent

    This week we began the 40-day Lenten season with Ash Wednesday – it ends on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter. The word Lent comes from the Anglo Saxon lencten, meaning spring. Lent is traditionally a time for repentance, self-reflection, and recalibrating ourselves spiritually. It is a time when we practice spiritual disciplines in an…

  • The People Jesus Loved: The Leper and Peter

    The People Jesus Loved: The Leper and Peter

    Leper: Touching the Untouchable In Mark 1:40-45, a man with leprosy approaches Jesus with a desperate plea: “If you are willing, you can make me clean” (Mark 1:40). Leprosy in Jesus’ time wasn’t just a physical illness; it was a condition that led to social and religious ostracism. Many with leprosy were considered unclean and…

  • The People Jesus Loved: The Adultress and the Crowd

    The People Jesus Loved: The Adultress and the Crowd

    This February, as we celebrate the month of love, we’re diving deep into the heart of Jesus’ ministry by looking at the specific people he loved. While we may have been taught that Jesus loves everyone—and that’s absolutely true—this series will highlight some of the individuals and groups Jesus showed love to in profound and…

  • The People Jesus Loved: Mary Magdalene & the Centurion’s Servant

    The People Jesus Loved: Mary Magdalene & the Centurion’s Servant

    This February, as we celebrate the month of love, we’re diving deep into the heart of Jesus’ ministry by looking at the specific people he loved. While we may have been taught that Jesus loves everyone—and that’s absolutely true—this series will highlight some of the individuals and groups Jesus showed love to in profound and…

  • The People Jesus Loved: Woman at the Well & Zacchaeus

    The People Jesus Loved: Woman at the Well & Zacchaeus

    This February, as we celebrate the month of love, we’re diving deep into the heart of Jesus’ ministry by looking at the specific people he loved. While we may have been taught that Jesus loves everyone—and that’s absolutely true—this series will highlight some of the individuals and groups Jesus showed love to in profound and…

  • Some Things Are Just Morally Wrong

    I think that some actions are not matters of opinion or open to debate, they’re simply morally wrong. Cruelty is one of them. As followers of Jesus, we are called to a standard that reflects love, compassion, and justice. And when I scour through Jesus’ teachings and actions, I see no instance where cruelty, as…

  • Contributing to our 2025 Lenten Devotional Book

    You’ve all been invited to write about what makes Lent and Holy Week meaningful to you for our 2025 Lenten devotional book.  So – what exactly is a devotional?  It’s a book or digital source of daily readings that help us grow our relationship with God.  Daily devotionals are short, inspirational pieces of writing, often…

  • We are Claimed and Loved by God! A Congregational Celebration of Baptism

    This Sunday, as part of our ongoing “Jesus’ Early Years” sermon series, we will be focusing on the story of Jesus’ baptism. It is a powerful moment where God’s love is declared over Jesus, and it’s a story we hold dearly in the church because it reminds us of our own baptism and the claim…

  • Bishop Dan asks that you read these messages.

    Dear friends, The headline isn’t clickbait; it’s a pastoral invitation. You may have seen recent posts on this blog expressing concern for immigrants and calls to action. Our Church in Society and Missions Committee will soon present recommendations to the Church Council on how we, as United Methodists in Geneva, can best respond to these…

  • Ready for it . . . A Year With Jesus

    If you’re a Taylor Swift fan, you know her career is filled with distinct eras—each one a reflection of her growth, creativity, and impact on the world. This year at UMCG we’re diving into the greatest “era” of all time: Jesus’ life. Each sermon series in 2025 serves as a new chapter, a unique era…

  • The Feast of the Holy Innocents: A Call to Compassion & Action

    Each year, on December 28 (tomorrow), the Christian calendar observes the Feast of the Holy Innocents, commemorating the tragic events following Christ’s birth. The Gospel of Matthew recounts how King Herod, in a desperate attempt to eliminate the newborn “King of the Jews,” ordered the massacre of all male children in Bethlehem under the age…

  • King of All Creation: Keeping Christ at the Center this Christmas

    Earlier this month, our family received a lovely box of Christmas cookies, each one a tiny masterpiece of sugar and frosting. Among them was a sugar cookie shaped like the contiguous 48 states, its blue, red, and white frosting swirled to resemble the American flag. Star-shaped sprinkles completed the patriotic design. It was a magnificent…

  • Tangible Hope:  The Quiet Power of the Pastors’ Discretionary Fund

    Tangible Hope:  The Quiet Power of the Pastors’ Discretionary Fund

    As we journey through this season of hope, it is a privilege to reflect on the many ways our congregation embodies God’s grace. One such expression of our faith in action is the Pastors’ Discretionary Fund, a ministry of care and compassion quietly making a difference in countless lives. This fund exists to meet material…

  • Bizarro Love: Perfect Fear and the Call to Advent Curiosity

    Advent is a season of anticipation—a time to prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ. It’s a time of hope, peace, joy, and love, yet these can feel elusive in a world that often feels like it’s been turned upside down. Enter Bizarro Superman, a character from the comic book universe who embodies inversion.…

  • Grateful for the Light: Thanksgiving and the Advent of Jesus

    As the last echoes of Thanksgiving fade—along with the leftovers in our refrigerators—our hearts turn toward a new season. While Thanksgiving is a day of giving thanks, Advent is a season of preparing our hearts for the greatest gift: Jesus Christ. As we step into Advent this year, we carry forward the gratitude of Thanksgiving…

  • Stewarding Our Resources: The 40-Year Asset Management Plan

    At UMCG, we believe in planning for the future while honoring the past. The Trustees, led by our chair, Ron Donovan, have developed a 40-year asset management plan to ensure the long-term health and vitality of our church. This proactive approach helps us move away from a “fix it when it breaks” mentality and embrace…

  • Building Our Future Together: The Minister of Formation and Outreach

    As we look to the future of our ministry at UMCG, I’m excited to announce a bold new role: the Minister of Formation and Outreach. This full-time ordained position will focus on intentional outreach, lifelong faith formation, and additional pastoral support—all essential in helping UMCG grow and deepen its impact in our community. This role…

  • We Packed 5,410 Pounds of Stinky Onions but Unpacked a Ton of Worry!

    Months ago, long before the election tightened and pundits forecasted nail-biting outcomes, a few of us pastors planned to serve. We knew that whatever the results, this election would stir up difficult emotions and worries. To help us stay grounded in our mission as a church, we decided to roll up our sleeves together at…

  • Building the Future Together: Investing in Ministry Today

    Worship: At the Heart of UMCG At the United Methodist Church of Geneva, worship is where we come together to encounter God. It is in worship that we sing, pray, read scripture, and hear the Word proclaimed. We feast at Christ’s table, wade in the waters of baptism, and cling to each other during services…

  • Building the Future Together: Investing in Ministry Today

    Music Ministry: Elevating Our Worship Music has always been at the heart of worship at UMCG. It’s through song that we lift our praises, connect with the Holy Spirit, and draw closer to one another as a church family. Whether it’s the stirring notes of our Christmas Cantata or the beautiful harmonies of a Sunday…

  • Building the Future Together: Investing in Ministry Today

    Congregational Care: Strengthening Our Bonds At UMCG, we are committed to caring for one another as Christ cares for us. Whether it’s through a comforting prayer shawl, pastoral care, or support in times of grief, our congregational care ministries are central to the life of our church. These ministries remind us that we are a…

  • Building the Future Together: Investing in Ministry Today

    Discipleship: Deepening Our Roots At UMCG, we believe that discipleship is a lifelong journey—one that begins in childhood and continues through every stage of life. From our children’s Sunday school to adult small groups, we strive to provide opportunities for everyone to deepen their faith and grow in their relationship with God. Discipleship is about…

  • Building the Future Together: Investing in Ministry Today

    Missions: Extending Our Reach At UMCG, our commitment to missions has always been about more than just meeting immediate needs—it’s about transforming lives, both within our congregation and beyond. Whether it’s through local outreach programs or global initiatives, our mission efforts reflect the heart of our church: loving our neighbors as ourselves and sharing God’s…

  • The Next 185 Years, Part 3

    Over the past two weeks, we’ve explored four of the six core strategies from Growing Young: Six Essential Strategies to Help Young People Discover and Love Your Church that will help us reflect, transform, and grow younger as we celebrate 185 years as a church. We’ve looked at the importance of prioritizing young people, practicing…

  • The Next 185 Years

    As we approach the milestone of our 185th anniversary as a church, we find ourselves at a crossroads. It’s a time to look back and celebrate the faithfulness of generations past, but it’s also a time to look forward—toward a future that calls us to reflect and transform. While we honor our rich history, we…

  • What is it about mountains?

    First, I want to express my deep gratitude to each of you for your prayers and support during my recent mountain retreat. The time away was both productive and renewing, and I returned Thursday feeling refreshed and eager to share what’s on the horizon for our church in 2025. I spent a lot of time…

  • Praying and Planning for 2025

    As you read this, I’m just beginning my worship planning retreat. Having arrived Thursday night in the Wet Mountain Valley of Colorado, at an elevation of 8,000 feet, in an international dark sky community, I’m now immersed in an environment perfect for deep discernment. Being 15 minutes from reliable cell phone service and 25 minutes…

  • A Dangerous Intersection of Faith and Politics

    I recently received a meme—a digital image with a funny or poignant caption. I don’t have the rights to share the original meme here, but I found the central image of the meme that I can publish. The meme revolved around a billboard just like this, except that the roadside billboard had a common campaign…

  • Finding God amid unsettled routines

    As many of you know, my family and I recently returned from a much-needed vacation, a time of rest and rejuvenation that was truly a blessing. In returning as soon as we walked through the door of our home, we were greeted not by the peace we had left behind but by the organized chaos…

  • Reflecting on Ancient Wisdom: Lessons from the pueblo dwellings and wildfires in Colorado

    As my family and I continued our Colorado camping adventure, we found ourselves drawn to the ancient Pueblo dwellings scattered throughout the region. Sites like Cliff Palace in Mesa Verde and Painted Hand in the Four Corners region offered us a glimpse into the lives of the Ancestral Puebloans, whose ingenuity and resilience left an…

  • Embracing the Dog Days of Summer: Reflections from the Rockies

    As the summer sun blazes its hottest, we find ourselves in what many call the “dog days of summer.” This period, traditionally marked by oppressive heat and lethargy, often evokes images of lazy afternoons and a collective sigh as we seek respite from the sweltering temperatures. For my family, this year’s dog days took on…

  • UMCG Family Celebration, by Chuck Howlett

    Summertime growing up in rural Iowa usually meant family reunions to see relatives, playing the annual softball game, hearing stories of past gatherings and “where the kids are now”, showcasing vintage photos and scrapbooks along with an endless buffet of family favorite casseroles, salads, hot-pepper jelly, as well as a counter-top full of other “not-on-my-diet”…

  • Five Questions to Shape 2025

    Many of you know that I take a week at the end of summer with a preacher friend or two and head off to the Wet Mountain Valley. We use a cabin that is off-the-grid and in the trees where I can quietly pray and prepare for the coming year. Bringing other preacher friends helps…

  • The Hamilton Family Cookbook

    Every once in a while, our staff have to remind me that I’ve been digging into tough topics in my blog and perhaps readers would benefit from something lighter. They’ve been right so far. I’m sure that this is true in this season of blogging as well. This week, I want to tell you about…

  • Embracing True Patriotism: A Reflection on Independence Day and the Risks of Christian Nationalism

    I share our Bishop’s concern about the rise of White Christian Nationalism and so I am continuing my writing on this topic that started on Memorial Day weekend, finding Independence Day to be apropos. Beyond the fireworks, parades, and social gatherings that marked our observance of this important day it’s important to consider how we…

  • Beating the Heat: It’s our responsibility

    Beating the Heat: It’s our responsibility

    As we have felt firsthand, last week brought record-setting heat waves to the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley regions, even more than “Swedish Days is always hot” kind of heat. Those relentlessly high temperatures have been more than just a topic for conversation—they pose serious risks to our health and well-being. But beyond immediate health…

  • Continuing Our Sacred Journey: Year Four

    This past week at our Northern Illinois Annual Conference, Bishop Schwerin appointed me to serve as your pastor at the United Methodist Church of Geneva for the fourth consecutive year. It is with joy and gratitude that I share this news with you. Each year, our bishops and their cabinets review the appointments of every…

  • When Online Meets In-Person: Building Bridges Within Our UMCG Family

    We are past the COVID protections that forced the church into the digital age, but we are experiencing the beautiful convergence of online and in-person ways of being a church. I think this blend of virtual and physical gatherings enriches our congregation and strengthens the bonds that unite us in faith and fellowship and could…

  • Could We Be Entertaining Angels?

    In Hebrews 13:2, we are reminded to “not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.” This powerful verse captures the essence of what it means to extend grace through hospitality, a theme that resonates deeply with our recent experiences at UMCG. As we reflect on these…

  • “Spilling the tea” on what I heard at the Pancake Breakfast

    ‘Thank you’ a lot. ‘I think it’s so great the church does this.’ ‘Can I get more?’ ‘I really like your sermons.’   ‘Your church does so much for our community.’ Then after flipping pancakes, I visited with the other stations and volunteers before I greeted folks, sat with some diners and heard their stories.…

  • A Cautious Warning Against White Christian Nationalism

    A Cautious Warning Against White Christian Nationalism

    On this Memorial Day weekend, we gather not only to flip pancakes, sell plants and serve coffee, we gather to remember and honor the brave persons who have sacrificed their lives for our country. It is a solemn occasion that allows us to reflect on the values of freedom, justice, and peace that these individuals…

  • The Loneliness of Modern Parenthood

    The Loneliness of Modern Parenthood

    This guest blog features the introductory and first edition of a new monthly newsletter written by our Director of NextGen Ministry, Dr. Greg Coates. We hope the information is helpful and invite anyone to “Opt-in/Sign-up” to receive these monthly e-newsletters moving forward. May 2024 – Since joining the staff of the United Methodist Church of…

  • She Wanted Seconds

    This past Sunday we celebrated confirmation. In keeping with the series on Making a Methodist, I preached about the means of grace, the outward and tangible signs of God’s inward love in our lives. These means of grace are conduits in which we can experience and share in God’s unconditional love for us. Confirmation is…

  • Please Confirm Your Upcoming Appointment

    About the time that this is published on Friday, I’ll be in the dentist’s chair getting my regular cleaning. About a month ago, I got an email that kind of looked like the graphic above asking me to click to confirm or call to reschedule. Then last Friday, I got another one. I appreciate these…

  • Not Afraid to Say “Yes!”

    Being part of a church that says “yes” and doesn’t shy away from doing difficult things energizes me. Who doesn’t want to be around that kind of positive energy? You might not expect to feel that excitement at a Church Council meeting, but you would be wrong. Church Council, made up of chairs from each…

  • What’s so ‘good’ about Good Friday?

    What’s so ‘good’ about Good Friday?

    That was the question around our dinner table earlier this month.  No pun intended… that is a good question.  Sometimes as Christians we think of what Jesus went through on that fateful Friday – the mockery, flagellation, the carrying of the cross, the crown of thorns and the nails in his wrists and feet –…

  • 2024 State of the Church Address, March 2024

    To see a video of Pastor Rob sharing this information, click here. Friends of the United Methodist Church of Geneva,           It is an honor to be your pastor and to share the good news about what God is doing in and through us as a church, alongside some data that sometimes interrupts my sleep.…