General Worship Information

We also offer our livestream service that is also posted to our website, YouTube and on Facebook. You can view all our online services here.

Please join us! Worship includes a children’s message and great music. Children’s Sunday school, Youth, and Adult Sunday school are also meeting in-person and online. 

Contact for more information.

Children’s, Youth, and Adult Sunday School also meet on Sundays during the school year.


If you have missed a recent Worship Service you can watch it online here.

“In the ‘Playing Chess’ series, we journey with Jesus through His final days, witnessing how He strategically and purposefully navigates each moment—not as a victim, but as the victorious Savior. From the Last Supper to the Crucifixion, and finally to the Resurrection, Jesus makes each move with divine intention, culminating in the ultimate victory over sin and death. As we walk through these defining moments, we are invited to see the depth of His love, the power of His sacrifice, and the hope of His resurrection, leading us to live boldly in the light of His triumph.” 

March 9, 2025 at 9:00 am, Playing Chess: The Last Supper

At the Last Supper, Jesus sets the stage for His ultimate sacrifice, offering Himself as the new covenant. He washes His disciples’ feet, demonstrating that true power lies in humble service. This deliberate moment shows Jesus’ deliberate path toward the cross, fully aware and fully in control. 

Good News Statement: Jesus washes feet in humble service so that we may understand true leadership and love.  

March 16, 2025 at 9:00 am, Playing Chess: The Garden

In Gethsemane, Jesus steps forward to be arrested, not as a victim, but as one who knows the stakes and embraces His role in God’s plan. By submitting to the Father’s will, He prepares the final move in the battle for our redemption, displaying courage and divine purpose in every step. 

Good News Statement: Jesus steps forward to be arrested so that we may know His authority over life and death. 

March 23, 2025 at 9:00 am, Playing Chess: Condemned

As Jesus faces condemnation, He remains calm and composed, fully aware that this moment is part of a greater plan. He allows the injustice to unfold, knowing that His silence will speak volumes. Jesus isn’t defeated; He is orchestrating the path to our salvation with divine precision. 

Good News Statement: Jesus willingly accepts condemnation so that we may know Jesus’ call to perfect obedience.  

March 30, 2025 at 9:00 am, Playing Chess: Pilate

Before Pilate, Jesus speaks of truth and kingship, challenging earthly power with divine authority. His refusal to defend Himself is not weakness but a strategic move in His mission to save the world. Jesus stands as the true King, fully in control, guiding events toward the ultimate sacrifice. 

Good News Statement: Jesus speaks of truth and kingship to Pilate so that we may recognize His authority over all earthly powers.  

April 6, 2025 at 9:00 am, Playing Chess: Torture and Humiliation

Jesus endures torture and mockery, not as a helpless victim but as the King who willingly takes on suffering for the sake of humanity. His silence in the face of humiliation reveals His strength and commitment to the cross, where the ultimate victory over sin and death will be won. 

Good News Statement: Jesus endures torture and mockery so that we may see the extent of His love amid the brutality of abused power. 

April 13, 2025 at 9:00 am, Playing Chess: The Crucifixion

On the cross, Jesus declares, “It is finished,” completing the mission He has carefully orchestrated. This is not a moment of defeat but the culmination of His strategic plan to redeem the world. Through His willing sacrifice, Jesus secures victory over sin and death, offering new life to all. 

Good News Statement: Jesus gives up his spirit so that we can be saved from sin.   

April 20, 2025 at 9:00 am, Easter, Playing Chess: Checkmate

Playing Chess: Checkmate” celebrates the ultimate victory of Jesus’ resurrection. Rising from the dead, He delivers the final, decisive move in God’s plan for redemption. This is not the end of the game but the beginning of new life, as Jesus triumphs over sin and death, securing eternal victory for everyone. 

Good News Statement: Jesus rises from the dead so that we may share in the victory of eternal life and the defeat of sin and death.