- This past Monday, I had the pleasure of starting my morning flipping pancakes with the Men’s Club. As the line for breakfast began to back up, I had the opportunity to listen to the interesting comments from our diners. Amidst the sizzle of the griddle and the sweet aroma of syrup, I heard words that truly reflected the spirit of our community and our church’s mission. I heard:
‘Thank you’ a lot.
‘I think it’s so great the church does this.’
‘Can I get more?’
‘I really like your sermons.’
‘Your church does so much for our community.’

Then after flipping pancakes, I visited with the other stations and volunteers before I greeted folks, sat with some diners and heard their stories. And I woke up Tuesday, to write my blog and realized how much our Pancake Breakfast is a way we embody our mission and values.

Our mission at the United Methodist Church of Geneva is to “illuminate our community with God’s grace as we lovingly accept, listen to, and serve all in the Spirit of Jesus.” The Pancake Breakfast was one way we live out our mission. Each “thank you” was a reflection of our value of Generosity as we shared not just pancakes but our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness with the community.
Inclusion was palpable as I watched old friends reunite and families come together, breaking bread (or pancakes) without distinction of haves and have-nots. Everyone was welcomed and sat together, embodying our value of Welcoming—inviting our community into our home with open arms.
After my pancake-flipping shift, I visited with volunteers and chatted with diners, hearing their stories and experiences. This was a manifestation of our value of Compassion—listening and acting to bring healing and wholeness. The stories I heard reminded me of the transformative power of faithful acts of mercy and justice, aligning with our value of Serving Others. This was especially evident in the dish room, taking the time to get all the syrup off plates so that we could serve in ways that align with our commitment to care for creation. Our 68th Memorial Day Pancake Breakfast was more than serving 505 people and raising a few thousand dollars for missions (as noteworthy as those achievements are!). It was about creating a space where our community felt accepted and loved, where dialogues happened respectfully and openly, showing our Open-mindedness.

Our big community events, like the Pancake Breakfast (Rummage Sale, VBS, Swedish Days and Children’s ministry events) were not just fundraisers; they are a demonstration of our values in action. The breakfast highlighted how we, as a church, strive to transform our community through the simple yet powerful acts of serving and listening. This experience reinforced the essence of our mission, showing that through grace, love, and service, we illuminate our community with God’s grace as we lovingly accept, listen to, and serve all in the Spirit of Jesus.