At UMCG, we strive to make God a reality, a presence, and a power in your life and to help you develop and nurture your relationship with God through a variety of opportunities. We invite, encourage, and welcome you to participate regardless of where you are on your faith journey.
HOW TO JOIN IN…. Sign-up by calling the church office at 630-232-7120, or by email to – or just show up and we will welcome you!

Meets in the 3rd Monday of Each Month at 10 am in the Parlor
Sixteen years ago, we formed a group for persons whose loved ones were experiencing memory loss issues. Currently we gather in the Parlor on the 3rd Monday of every month at 10:00 AM. We are not experts on all aspects of memory loss illnesses, but we have become pretty good at “caring for the caregiver.” If you are a caregiver of this type, please join us. This group is open to all people, so please spread the word. For additional information, contact the church office.