We illuminate our community with God’s grace as we lovingly accept, listen to, and serve all in the Spirit of Jesus.
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Women’s Retreat
January 31 – February 2, 2025 Self Care: Finding Balance Registration Deadline January 19, 2025
An immersive self-care weekend to recharge you intellectually, physically, emotionally, spiritually & socially.
As women, we are often the caregivers and nurturers for everyone around us, yet we can feel guilty about taking much-needed time for ourselves. As Christians, we are called to share our light with the world and be the people God created us to be so that we can be our best selves, using our unique gifts to serve others. We are called to love the world with our whole hearts, minds, bodies, and souls.
In today’s busy and fast-paced world, we have ridiculous expectations for our time and attention that can leave us feeling depleted and struggling to find balance. Therefore, it is essential to cultivate a consistent rhythm of self-care in our lives.
Please join our community of women for a weekend of immersive self-care for our minds, bodies, and spirits. We will learn about and explore various methods for refueling our souls. Jesus took time for himself, and so must we.
Costs: $100 Saturday Only $180 for the weekend Checks preferred made payable to UMW.
Weekend Schedule
Friday Night Check-in begins at 6 pm Dinner provided by attendees Games for the mind, small group journaling, sage blessing Henna Tattoos with Julie from Prairie Henna ($10-$40, cash preferred)
Saturday Saturday attendees check in at 8 am Continental breakfast provided by attendees Self-care for the physical, spiritual and emotional body, Qi Gong experience & small group discussions Lunch and dinner provided Free time: Walk, read, have a massage or reflexology ($15-20, cash preferred). Nap & crafts Yoga and Crystal Bowl Meditation Sound Bath Games and more
Sunday Breakfast provided Worship together, since, share and blessing Cleanup
Additional Notes:
Please practice green living and bring your own coffee/tea mug and reusable water bottle.
We ask each attendee to bring a snack to share. Snacks can be anything from trail mix, fruit, veggies, cookies, salty snacks, chocolate, or whatever you enjoy munching on.
When you register, you can sign up to help with setup, clean up, or say grace at a meal. Please prayerfully consider how you might assist.