You’ve Got a Friend in Me: October 6-November 24, 2024

Americans are facing a crisis of friendship. The average American hasn’t made a new friend in the last five years. Nearly one in five Americans report having no close social connections. Fifteen percent of men have no close friendships at all, a fivefold increase since 1990.8 We were not made to be alone and friendless in the world. This fall series will explore several friendships of the Bible where we will see how God reveals Godself through meaningful friendships and comforts and sustains us when friends hurt or disappoint us all in an effort to help us make and be good friends. 

We’re Celebrating 185 Years of the Methodist Church in Geneva!
We are planning an entire weekend of celebrations. Invite your friends and family!

Learn more about it here!

UMCG is Staying United Methodist

Across the nation and around the globe, The United Methodist Church –one of the largest Christian Protestant denominations with twelve million members worldwide- is starting to look more un-tied than united. Hundreds of local churches are voting to leave the denomination over key cultural and doctrinal issues – primarily over LGBTQ rights and inclusion. Read the rest of our statement here.


In our commitment to work to be more sustainable, UMC of Geneva has replaced our aging HVAC system with a geothermal one. But that’s not the only thing we are doing!

Watch Pastor Rob’s video about what we have been doing at UMCG and read more about it on our Creation Care page.

You can find our service livestream on our Online Service Page